@fromjason I don’t t think @snarfed.org will use a “bridged accounts” type of implementation on his bridge. Right now nothing like that exists on Bluesky/ATProto. You could be seeing people like me who’ve changed their handles to URLs? I changed my original Bluesky account name to my website URL starrwulfe.xyz (I think it was starrwulfe.bsky.app or something like that) because ATProto uses your DID number as a portable identity and your handle is just a pseudonym. One DID actually supports a few handles I think but that hasn’t been turned on yet.

  • Right now Bridgy does facilitate crossposting and publishing so that site webmentions get translated into posts when you include the magic publish link. Bluesky comments get pulled into your blog via the same webmention translations as well. For more info, check out this part of the FAQ and see it work right now with this post on my blog and in the Bluesky crosspost
  • The bridge is going to work in the manner of being able to sit on one network and follow someone or some thread from a different network. Follow Bsky from a Masto/ActivityPub account or see and respond to a Masto thread with your Bsky/ATProto account. Check this post out detailing it out a bit more.
  • There also will be support to turn a website that supports webmentions into a ATProto actor in the same manner as how Bridgy Fed can do with ActivityPub now. This is what I’m interested in. I want my blog to speak all fediverse languages so I can have one real home on the net.