Any way to practice a layout using a regular nonprogrammable keyboard?
Monday, October 30, 2023
I want to jump into the world of ortho keyboards and start trying to learn a more ergonomic key layout. I happen to have a small foldable bluetooth keyboard that is around a 40% size, is regular QWERTY layout but only has 60 keys so there's a Fn
later that puts some of the symbols, all the F
keys and media scroll keys on a different layer. I'm kind of used to using it after 6 years and realized "Hey, I can do a layered setup maybe!"
So I'm thinking I want to build a Corne 36 key with some sort of trackpad/thumbstick setup for precision mousing as I also need that level of control from time to time. My dream setup would be anything incorporating dual thumbsticks from a game controller as I actually use my X-Box D-pad to control presentations when I teach.
I have a true multi OS environment where I'm using NixOS, MacOS, and Windows 11 in a VM all the time. I also use tiling window environments (i3 & Hyprland in Linux; Yabai in MacOS) so having continual access to Super
and Hyper
is a big deal.
I'm thinking about starting with the default Miryoku setup with Coleman DH and see about modding on top as time goes on. Is there some way to change a regular keyboard to get some practice in while I source parts and build the board itself?