📚 Under the sidewalks of New York

This is actually a re-read from childhood from my formative years as a subway nerd back when I was anxious to get my paws on anything transit/train/bus related. I was also extremely fortunate to be able to spend time for a spell in New York City for the last two years of elementary school, which likely made me insufferable to numerous adults whenever I’d start spouting off obscure and very unrequested factoids about the Tri-State Area’s various modes of transportation to anyone that was within earshot. 😅

I remember checking this out of the NYC Library and getting my pop to let me go on various escapades over that summer as I read this book to see the sites like the Joralemon and Montague Street Tunnels, the Queensboro and Stillwell Av elevated complexes and running around somewhere off Whitehall St looking for an old entrance linking to where the City Hall loop was. (The current NYC Transit Museum wasn’t open in 1988 and everything was boarded up and sealed off)

If you ever wanted to learn the origins of New York City’s over 100-year-old subway system, this is the book for you. 🚇

(s/o to my local library's digital e-book lending process that makes it really easy to read pretty much everything these days)

Under the sidewalks of New York by Brian J. Cudahy


2 responses
  1. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    This is actually a re-read from childhood from my formative years as a subway nerd back when I was anxious to get my paws on anything transit/train/bus related.


  2. If you watched the first one and wax nostalgic for old school Tom Cruise literally being a Maverick, this is your movie.this is fan service for the ones who remember the original movie and characters… but there’s maybe not enough there for those who don’t. ★★★½