Open Source Initiative migrates to WordPress; connects to fediverse!

Another day, another longtime website I’ve followed with good news about them connecting to the and with , just like mine!

Two years ago, we started migrating our website from Drupal to WordPress. We knew it wasn’t going to be a quick weekend project, but more of a journey. Today, we celebrate the final leg of th…

Source: Modernized, streamlined, and fediverse-friendly: is fully migrated and ready to connect! – Open Source Initiative

Modernized, streamlined, and fediverse-friendly: is fully migrated and ready to connect! (
February 27, 2024 News Stefano Maffulli Modernized, streamlined, and fediverse-friendly: is fully migrated and ready to connect! Two years ago, we started migrating our website from Drupal to WordPress. We knew it wasn’t going to be a quick weekend project, but more of a journey. To…
Likes, Bookmarks, and Reposts
  • Wilfredo 💬

Likes, Bookmarks, and Reposts

  • Wilfredo 💬
2 responses
  1. Forgot to leave the link in the Bluesky post!

  2. (note to self to ask @manton about how reposts onto the timeline via RSS feeds work and whether its clashing with something on my site grabbing the ActivityPub post instead)