
Japan has good neighborhood streets

Youtube embed code generator .boxes2{height:321px;width:411px;} #new img{max-width:none!important;background:none!important}#iframe{max-height:none!important;max-width:auto!important;background:none!important} I've been telling people for years how the narrowness of the streets in Japan is probably …

…Now they’re just grasping at straws. We asked for something like this back in 2018 complete with a framework to provide AirBNB style housing and helping with Japanese government services like hoken, and the like. I’m sure none of the support part is included here and we all know how hard that is for anyone new to Japan.

Time to get the last of the 年賀状wannabe cards shipped off to Japan! 🏣

(Some of y’all may know you are based on 郵便番号)