I read the second installment in Hugh Howey’s Silo Trilogy, “Shift”, picking up where season 2 of the Apple TV+ series leaves off, which inspired the me to read it. I found the book compelling, noting its ability to mirror current events, and read it quickly (500+ pages within a …
New Years Day means soul food for most African Americans. In particular it means black eyed peas, neckbones and greens (mustard/turnip/collard mix) in mine.
The beans symbolize planting seeds of success to grow in the coming year, greens for health and wealth, and neckbones meaning “making …
Reblog via StarrWulfe (JLGatewood) http://YIMBYsforHarris.com ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR HARRIS/WALZ!!
Support better neighborhoods/affordable housing/sustainable development!! @KamalaHarrisWin
In honor of Father’s Day, I’m going to engage in one of my favorite past-times: $#!+posting dad jokes. 😏
If you’re a dad (or you have a dad– I guess that’d be everyone here except my immaculate conception, clones, androids and the asexual reproduction homies) please add to the ensuing and possibly annoying thread. Consider yourself warned for irony, cringe and general rando post fun & mayhem.
–Also go wish your dad a Happy Father’s Day before you forget 😜
Let’s get it started:
I was going to get a brain transplant, but I changed my mind
Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? ...He's all right now...
I've been trying to come up with a dad joke about momentum . . . but I just can't seem to get it going.
Since I would love to have Telegram be a first party “citizen” of the Fediverse, the network of open social media network apps and sites that are connected with ActivityPub, I formally opened a suggestion for it to be added somehow if possible via the Telegram user suggestion portal.
I think it would be great if every Telegram user was able to tie into the #fediverse via making @username@t.me handles and using group chats/channels equate different conversation activities vis-a-vis Lemmy, Flipboard and Discourse.
Was a busy (two) week(s) since the last one, so let’s catch up with happenings:
🎂 March 20th and 31st marks “Birthday Week” with the fam, as it’s BoyType and MonkeyGirl’s turns to celebrate getting one year older. And me and SuperWife’s time to be broke AF. …
Per this post, I’m testing some ways to embed Bluesky posts into my Wordpress powered site here. As I find other ways, I’ll add them here.
Simple Blog Card using a shortcode and plugin: [simpleblogcard url="bsky.app/profile/k…"]
Bluesky.lol snippet creation using …
Here we go again with the bullshit.
This time, my sense of smell is 90% gone. 😩
Paxlovid enroute and no real symptoms other than post-nasal drip from hell and sore back though, so hopefully this'll be over in a few days. 🤞🏾
Unfortunately my previous blogs are lost to the ether but they were all mostly powered by Wordpress. I might gather some of my backups and make some "backfill" posts and relive whatever moments I can find.
Until then, let’s celebrate this milestone and thank the contributors and community …
Dropping a note here to make sure my site is back up – Things got crash happy overnight with the database eating all the RAM for some reason. Bad garbage collection or a missed chronjob maybe. The joys of wordpress adminning. So as soon as I’m done with the day job (where I actually do …
In the spirit of POSSE, I just spent 3 hours trying to get some backfeeds from silos like Instagram and Facebook going… I made it work before, but I can’t remember what I did with my last website that made it work.
It's a real head scratcher. I guess I'll need to ensure crossposting is turned on here at StarrWulfe HQ then I won't have to deal with this foolishness again.
If anyone has some experience with Brid.gy and how to do this effectively, please give me a shout. 🙇🏾♀️
I really hope Chris doesn’t mind me borrowing literally 90% of his layout, formatting and general overall aesthetic from Boffo Socko when I’m ready to smooth out the edges of my site here. They way it looks and how information is presented is just what you’d expect of a person who is rather efficient at capturing and categorizing information.
The whole reason the Beltline even exists is because it was meant to be a transit corridor. A multiuse trail was also part of the design, so both need to be constructed.
But also, since the land developers jumped into the fray and built their car-oriented buildings off the …
Well that does it for me tonight. I got a lot done on this here ol' site.
I’ll continue to kick the tires and fill in the gaps but so far so good.
Indieweb stuff seems to be working as seen at micro.blog and tested with some good friends. Will run thru the tests tomorrow to make sure. …