I'm dreaming of a new website engine

Let me get right to the point: I want a way to use my space on Craft.do as a blog. I love using Craft as my space to outline and organize and it ticks all the boxes Tantek raises about capturing all the thoughts surrounding a good post first, then publishing it later after refining. It literally is the place where it all happens, negating a whole bunch of extra steps.

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Me looking hella disheveled after getting a giant qtip up my snout. All I wanted was more powerful meds to dam up the waterfall in my sinuses.

👩🏾‍⚕️:“We gotta check you for flu and Covid”
🐺: “Y’all didn’t do that so the my wife when she was here a few days ago”
👩🏾‍⚕️: takes out big ass q-tip from quantum space “look up right quick…”
an entire eternity of poking all my childhood memories into mash later

👩🏾‍⚕️: “give it 15 minutes and we’ll know…”
🐺: achooooo!!! “I can’t stop sneezi—" aaaaachoooo!!!

Your humble author after a very uncomfortable battery of tests at the doctor's office.

Time to get the last of the 年賀状wannabe cards shipped off to Japan! 🏣

(Some of y’all may know you are based on 郵便番号)

It's 2024 in Nippon!

Do you have your ticket to ride? 明けましておめでとうございます。 今年もよろしくお願いします。


メリクリ🎁🎄🎅 May you and yours enjoy all 12 herbs and spices during this season of joy. Also on "ABC🌟🐺XYZ" 

The Week ending 12.24.2023

The week before Christmas — not much going on except the twice checking of lists and making sure of naughty or niceness. The Tribe: celebrating one week since school holidays began, they mostly got into their Christmas shopping/making. I’m really glad Wifey and I made point of instilling making stuff rather than buying stuff for gifts. People should appreciate sweat and creativity more than good credit and next day delivery.

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Content Creators: Substack's dumpster fire should also be the one lit underneath your @$$

If 2010-2020 was the Great Social Media Consolidation, looks like 2022 and beyond are gonna be the Great Innanet Decentralization, and I’m 1oo% present for it. Thanks to our friends #indieweb and #fediverse, you already know how easy it is to plug into some great communities on the interwebs while keeping your content under your control and being able to keep a record of the dialog around it at your own site.

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What are post kinds?

I needed a way to have a decent taxonomy for my posts on this incarnation of the blog, especially given its social features. A few places I hang out in online were using a dead-simple method for categorizing their posts and making it easy to find the stuff they saved later on, called Post Kinds. Post kinds are a way of categorizing different types of posts on the web, based on the IndieWeb standards1.

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Rudolph's grades won't be having his parents shouting out with glee...


When Mastodon Met Threads 🐘➕🧵🟰❓

It has started: Mark Zuckerberg announced social network Threads will be starting its activity pub interoperability testing now. 🔗 I have been saying for a very long while now that ActivityPub as a protocol and within it Mastodon as the flagship app need to separate themselves from the fringe in order to gain more traction and usage. Understand that ActivityPub itself is a protocol not unlike IMAP and HTTP under the W3C.

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Good news everyone! Georgia has federal passenger train study funding!

In combination with some great news about funding a lot of sorely needed railroad projects and studies at the federal level, Georgia's U.S. Senators Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock announced new grants to explore three new Georgia passenger rail corridors made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The new rail routes would connect major economic centers in Georgia and neighboring states, providing additional public transit options, increased mobility, and a sustainable, clean-energy future.

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Seriously? Elon was trying to get a tax break for X here in Atlanta?!

As the [AJC](https://www.ajc.com/news/fulton-board-to-consider-10m-tax-break-to-x-formerly-twitter/4V66VOJ73RCFPA5DI54FAFVLBA/) reported, X (formerly Twitter) appealed to the Development Agency of Fulton County to try and grab over $10 million in property tax breaks on their data center here in Atlanta to upgrade the server farm... But providing no additional jobs... which is why the tax breaks are there in the first place! 🥴 source: Atlanta Journal Constitution dated 3 Dec 2023 Everyone knows that these tax breaks should be going to fund any development that directly enhances the livelihood of Atlanta residents and for no other purpose.

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Atlanta Beltline Loop Saga: The Man with the Original Plan drops big facts/FAQs

Over the past few days, the “Father of the Beltline” himself, Ryan Gravel, created a massive 70-something-odd long FAQ in response to the NIMBYist action group that popped up opposing the transit portion of the Atlanta Beltline. His post is massively detailed and as pointed as one would expect of having to literally defend their graduate thesis even after half of it has been edified. It’s also a masterclass in how to keep fighting tooth-and-nail without resorting to name-calling and pettiness which seems to be the norm these days.

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ATL is the transit Bizzaro Land we need to fix

Last time in this series, I talked about an organization called Better Atlanta Transit that counter to its name, wants to end all talk of having light rail alongside the Beltline Trail, the very popular, used-to-be-murder-tracks encircling central Atlanta that’s now a multipurpose trail, linear park, and real estate gentrification money printing machine. Of course in a way only Upside/DownLand Atlanta could do, we somehow got the multipurpose trail part built first, and are behind in the light rail installation.

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Vivaldi's Mastodon instance appears to be down and I have some advice for SNS users

Yikes 😬 My second-most used Mastodon instance is @starrwulfe@vivaldi.net… I hope its scheduled downtime and not a DDOS or worse. The good thing about federation is they're not the only game in town. My main instance is @starrwulfe@starrwulfe.xyz (which is actually a Wordpress powered blog as well). I practice POSSE so the majority of my nonsense emanates from here and radiates out into the interwebs via syndication thanks to Bridgy and Micro.

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RCS slated to launch in iOS 18

Its_happening.exe just got loaded!  Later next year, we will be adding support for RCS Universal Profile, the standard as currently published by the GSM Association,” an Apple spokesperson tells 9to5Mac. “We believe RCS Universal Profile will offer a better interoperability experience when compared to SMS or MMS. This will work alongside iMessage, which will continue to be the best and most secure messaging experience for Apple users.” Now whether that means I can go and become a black sheep by adding an Android phone into my very iPhone carrying family’s group chat on iMessage is up for debate, but just being able to have richer green bubble convos is a good first start finally.

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Party like its 1700000000

A rollover event is about to take place and geeks, nerds and neckbeards around the world will be refreshing their datecommands tomorrow evening to check out the counter tick over from 1699999999 to a cool 1700000000 seconds. The current Unix epoch time as I slave over a hot keyboard is: Unix date epoch time is a way of measuring time that counts the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 at midnight UTC time, not counting leap seconds.

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Doin' too much": 💥😖 Time for a micro/macro blog rethink?

At some point yesterday, my Wordpress instance (thus the place where the thing you’re reading right now came from) ran out of memory. 🤔 I suspect it’s because I’m asking it to do too much: Basic Blog stuff Webmention/Indieweb/Microformats stuff ActivityPub/Mastodon stuff And all on a tiny underpowered VPS instance. Now if I could have things my way, I’d really prefer a clean install of GoBlog like I had before but with an easier way to post photos, follow people thru RSS/#Fediverse, and connect to different networks in the same manner.

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Overnight crash

Dropping a note here to make sure my site is back up – Things got crash happy overnight with the database eating all the RAM for some reason. Bad garbage collection or a missed chronjob maybe. The joys of wordpress adminning. So as soon as I’m done with the day job (where I actually do DevOps/PMing believe it or not) I’ll be doing a post-mortem on this thing too. 😣 I just want my $#:+ to work seamlessly!

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If this is the case—

Then how is that wacky NY Times poll from last week correct?!