If this is the case—

Then how is that wacky NY Times poll from last week correct?!

Likes, Bookmarks, and Reposts
  • Dave Trickey
  • Damon

Likes, Bookmarks, and Reposts

  • Dave Trickey
  • Damon
4 responses
  1. @starrwulfe cool but that’s not what people really see in the news. The rash still spreads 🙁

  2. @viktorTheBoar
    The only way to stop a rash is apply ointment liberally and often.

    …this is my ointment.

    Anytime and every time you hear that 🐄 💩, you counter it with facts.

    Don’t let the scourge of disinformation, propaganda and the under informed willfully ignorant population gaslight ya.

    Im in GA and we turned my state purple in 2020, kept it that way in 2022 and I’m not letting it go back.

  3. @starrwulfe i’m slowly giving up on facts and am seriously looking into that propaganda bullshit. You don’t beat a pigeon in chess by playing chess

  4. @viktorTheBoar

    I’ve never heard that saying before and I’m going to make it a thing from now on.

    I get it though. Really we don’t need propaganda, just a louder mic and a reminder that all the blue states have legal weed usually gets some attention around me.

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