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🐜 WordPress | PlugIn | Friends: Cannot follow activitypub/fediverse handles with a dot in the username

A big feature of my blog is its ability to act as a agent. For example, following me here with <a href=""></a> will allow you to read every post here and also comment directly; it’s literally my commenting system for the blog as well as my main Mastodon compatible client. However, there’s a big problem when interacting with certain accounts from here, specifically if their usernames have a dot [.] in them. It errors out.

Entering any fediverse @-@ handle with a dot in the first part of the username throws an “invalid URL” error.

Entering these valid handles:

Will yield the following dialogue:

It’s true some fediverse apps don’t allow dots in the username, but a lot more are starting to be used, and of course the service utilizes site URLs as fediverse handles, so this functionality is a must.

(PS: This could all be moot if there was an ActivityPub URI like ap:// that would bypass all this and allow that format to be input anywhere. 🤷🏾‍♂️)

Cannot follow activitypub/fediverse handles with a dot in the username · Issue #315 · akirk/friends by akirk (GitHub)

Just as the title says. Entering any fediverse @-@ handle with a dot in the first part of the username throws an “invalid URL” error. Entering these valid handles: Will yield the following dialogue…

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