
February 2025

Installing this QM2 quad NVMe board with 2Tb for some fast data storage to add to the 8tb HDD pool (and the 1tb SSD I already have too.)

Thank God for being able to nerd out and take my mind off things for a bit. #homelab upgrades making for a productive Sunday.

January 2025

Really digging what Ben is saying about The next four years<\a>. I said it in 2017, and I’ll say it again: We sometimes need the worst of us to bring out the best in us.

This sums up my thoughts about the TikTok ban charade right now: Isn’t this a “promises made, promises kept” moment from OrangeMan? Or will he reverse his own-goal and look like a savior… even though he was incessantly shoving this down our collective throats since forever ago. 🤷🏾‍♂️

They said it wouldn’t be much snow in Atlanta on the news last night. Right now: #snowday #atlanta

Dammit, c’mon Falcons.

New Years Traditions 2025: New Years Beans & Black Americans : New Years Day means soul food for most African Americans. In particular it means black eyed peas, neckbones and greens (mustard/turnip/collard mix) in mine. The beans symbolize planting seeds of success to grow in the coming year, greens for health and wealth, and neckbones meaning “making …

December 2024

Apparently Pets 3 is filming in the RV…

Godspeed Mr President.

I need to have this guy’s builder skills, time and space. I’d be both terrified and thrilled to drive this contraption 🤩…

Keep your eyes on the prize. The battle is never fought alone so long as you remember the ancestors teachings.

November 2024

That time my moms, my BFF and I rode the Delmar Loop trolley in our home town.

October 2024

Testing once more…

Making a test post here… and now I’m updating the post with micropub…

August 2024

Yimbys for Harris $100k: Reblog via StarrWulfe (JLGatewood) ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR HARRIS/WALZ!! Support better neighborhoods/affordable housing/sustainable development!! @KamalaHarrisWin

Why does it seem like Atlanta’s transit agencies continually aim lower and lower when it comes to planning? I was this many years old when I was told it was going to be an extension of the Red Line rail service from North Springs Station, about 5 miles away. Now all we get is a noisy, smoggy bus …

July 2024


June 2024

In honor of Father’s Day, I’m going to engage in one of my favorite past-times: $#!+posting dad jokes. 😏 If you’re a dad (or you have a dad– I guess that’d be everyone here except my immaculate conception, clones, androids and the asexual reproduction homies) please add …

Apparently they were trying to film Speed 2 near my house today…

May 2024

Invasion of the street car snatchers: We have a ready-made 150-year-old vacant right of way around central Atlanta begging for rail-based transit… And the mayor is considering “slow moving people movers” and “pods” instead of connecting the downtown circulating streetcar to it (which it was why it was built)… …

New Fediverse Bluesky bridge in beta testing: The bridge has been built and the switch has been turned on! Even though there was a lotof struggle and strife, arguments, and knockdown-drag-outs,, AKA Ryan Barrett persevered by taking into account everyone's opinions on what a cross-fediverse bridge between the …

April 2024

Inconsolable Tangential War Victims: It’s very hard to ignore the amount of suffering going on by people who just a few years ago were living an idyllic life just like me; worried about having enough time/money to simply have a few days off to spend with wife/husband/kids/parents/family/friends… Or just sitting in a cafe …

Bicycle safety tech "gadgetbahnery": [embed] I'm all for new tech but all that's really needed are Dutch style separated bike lanes and protected signal crossings if they really have this kind of money to burn. The vast majority of both cars and cyclists aren't going to download a "watch out for bikes" app, this is …

Since I would love to have Telegram be a first party “citizen” of the Fediverse, the network of open social media network apps and sites that are connected with ActivityPub, I formally opened a suggestion for it to be added somehow if possible via the Telegram user suggestion portal. I …

Japan has good neighborhood streets: Youtube embed code generator .boxes2{height:321px;width:411px;} #new img{max-width:none!important;background:none!important}#iframe{max-height:none!important;max-width:auto!important;background:none!important} I've been telling people for years how the narrowness of the streets in Japan is probably …

Last Week Today! S2024E9: Was a busy (two) week(s) since the last one, so let’s catch up with happenings: 🎂 March 20th and 31st marks “Birthday Week” with the fam, as it’s BoyType and MonkeyGirl’s turns to celebrate getting one year older. And me and SuperWife’s time to be broke AF. …

This will be my album cover if I were a musician right now.

Of course we picked the only day it’s raining down here to be camping at the JAX beaches. Well we’re gonna still make the most of the time off! But our campsite is a flooded mess at the moment so I guess it’s a movie day inside the camper for now.

March 2024

Promises made, promises kept.

Last Week Today! S2024E7: 🤦‍♂️ OK, I skipped out on hella posts for this category. I know, I know… I'll backfill them later, but I really hadn't done much of anything noteworthy I guess so there wasn't the motivation to post one of these… Which is not the point of course, so I'll just shut up and get on with this …

Throwback Post #1: Waxing Nostalgic on Blogs and Smartphones: As a few-times reporter in the bustling world of full-time journalism, I found solace and expression through my personal blogging. The keyboard was my faithful companion as I clickity-clacked out my thoughts, observations, and narratives. Back then, my blog was not merely an online diary; it was a …

February 2024

Messing around with Bluesky post embedding codes: Per this post, I’m testing some ways to embed Bluesky posts into my Wordpress powered site here. As I find other ways, I’ll add them here. Simple Blog Card using a shortcode and plugin: [simpleblogcard url="…"] snippet creation using …

On the subject of Connecting Federated Social Media Networks: The past few days on the Fediverse have served to remind me a few things: The internet is as smart and as ignorant (and everything in between) as the macrocosm known as "human civilization" reflects upon it. Sometimes the victims will become the victimizers in any given situation, usually without …

Bluesky takes the velvet rope down 🦋: Bluesky has opened up and requires no waitlist now, so if you were searching for a Twitter alternative, then here you go: [simpleblogcard url="…"] Once registered, find me here: [simpleblogcard url="…"] For reference: Feature …

…Now they’re just grasping at straws. We asked for something like this back in 2018 complete with a framework to provide AirBNB style housing and helping with Japanese government services like hoken, and the like. I’m sure none of the support part is included here and we all know …

January 2024

Hello COVID my old friend, I hoped we'd never meet again: Here we go again with the bullshit. This time, my sense of smell is 90% gone. 😩 Paxlovid enroute and no real symptoms other than post-nasal drip from hell and sore back though, so hopefully this'll be over in a few days. 🤞🏾

Last Week Today! S2024E1&2: In the tradition of those of us who can't do the daily "my day be like" journaling posts, there's the tradition of the weekly post that sums up what happened the week before. In my nod to one of my favorite TV shows, Last Week Tonight, I'm swashbuckling (🏴‍☠️) the hell out their title and using it …

What's the difference between a blog and a social posting site?: This is gonna be a radical and controversial statement but in 2024, anything posted to the internet at-large, should be considered a “social post”. In fact, the same could be said for anything posted on the internet in 1994 too. Only the technology and methodology, and yes, nomenclature along with …

Fifteen Years Of Wordpressing: Unfortunately my previous blogs are lost to the ether but they were all mostly powered by Wordpress. I might gather some of my backups and make some "backfill" posts and relive whatever moments I can find. Until then, let’s celebrate this milestone and thank the contributors and community …

What happened to passenger rail (in Georgia)?: Last month I talked about how with Georgia's new federal funding for rail corridors, we could imagine a regional rail system that would make moving through the area so much better? Turns out, I'm not the only one, and our new favorite ATL urbanist Youtuber Nathan Davenport is back with another video …

I'm dreaming of a new website engine: Let me get right to the point: I want a way to use my space on as a blog. I love using Craft as my space to outline and organize and it ticks all the boxes Tantek raises about capturing all the thoughts surrounding a good post first, then publishing it later after refining. It literally is …

Me looking hella disheveled after getting a giant qtip up my snout. All I wanted was more powerful meds to dam up the waterfall in my sinuses. 👩🏾‍⚕️:“We gotta check you for flu and Covid” 🐺: “Y’all didn’t do that so the my wife when she was here a few days ago” 👩🏾‍⚕️: takes out big ass q-tip from …

Time to get the last of the 年賀状wannabe cards shipped off to Japan! 🏣 (Some of y’all may know you are based on 郵便番号)

December 2023

It's 2024 in Nippon!: Do you have your ticket to ride? 明けましておめでとうございます。 今年もよろしくお願いします。

メリクリ🎁🎄🎅: メリクリ🎁🎄🎅 May you and yours enjoy all 12 herbs and spices during this season of joy. Also on "ABC🌟🐺XYZ" 

The Week ending 12.24.2023: The week before Christmas — not much going on except the twice checking of lists and making sure of naughty or niceness. The Tribe: celebrating one week since school holidays began, they mostly got into their Christmas shopping/making. I’m really glad Wifey and I made point of instilling making …

Content Creators: Substack's dumpster fire should also be the one lit underneath your @$$: If 2010-2020 was the Great Social Media Consolidation, looks like 2022 and beyond are gonna be the Great Innanet Decentralization, and I’m 1oo% present for it. Thanks to our friends #indieweb and #fediverse, you already know how easy it is to plug into some great communities on the interwebs …

What are post kinds?: I needed a way to have a decent taxonomy for my posts on this incarnation of the blog, especially given its social features. A few places I hang out in online were using a dead-simple method for categorizing their posts and making it easy to find the stuff they saved later on, called Post Kinds. …

Rudolph's grades won't be having his parents shouting out with glee...: [embed]…[/embed]

When Mastodon Met Threads 🐘➕🧵🟰❓: It has started: Mark Zuckerberg announced social network Threads will be starting its activity pub interoperability testing now. 🔗 I have been saying for a very long while now that ActivityPub as a protocol and within it Mastodon as the flagship app need to separate themselves from the fringe in …

Good news everyone! Georgia has federal passenger train study funding!: In combination with some great news about funding a lot of sorely needed railroad projects and studies at the federal level, Georgia's U.S. Senators Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock announced new grants to explore three new Georgia passenger rail corridors made possible by the Bipartisan …

Seriously? Elon was trying to get a tax break for X here in Atlanta?!: As the [AJC]( reported, X (formerly Twitter) appealed to the Development Agency of Fulton County to try and grab over $10 million in property tax breaks on their data center here in …

Atlanta Beltline Loop Saga: The Man with the Original Plan drops big facts/FAQs: Over the past few days, the “Father of the Beltline” himself, Ryan Gravel, created a massive 70-something-odd long FAQ in response to the NIMBYist action group that popped up opposing the transit portion of the Atlanta Beltline. His post is massively detailed and as pointed as one would …

November 2023

ATL is the transit Bizzaro Land we need to fix: Last time in this series, I talked about an organization called Better Atlanta Transit that counter to its name, wants to end all talk of having light rail alongside the Beltline Trail, the very popular, used-to-be-murder-tracks encircling central Atlanta that’s now a multipurpose trail, linear …

Vivaldi's Mastodon instance appears to be down and I have some advice for SNS users: Yikes 😬 My second-most used Mastodon instance is… I hope its scheduled downtime and not a DDOS or worse. The good thing about federation is they're not the only game in town. My main instance is (which is actually a Wordpress powered blog as well). …

RCS slated to launch in iOS 18: Its_happening.exe just got loaded!  Later next year, we will be adding support for RCS Universal Profile, the standard as currently published by the GSM Association,” an Apple spokesperson tells 9to5Mac. “We believe RCS Universal Profile will offer a better interoperability experience when compared …

Party like its 1700000000: A rollover event is about to take place and geeks, nerds and neckbeards around the world will be refreshing their datecommands tomorrow evening to check out the counter tick over from 1699999999 to a cool 1700000000 seconds. The current Unix epoch time as I slave over a hot keyboard is: Unix date …

Doin' too much": 💥😖 Time for a micro/macro blog rethink?: At some point yesterday, my Wordpress instance (thus the place where the thing you’re reading right now came from) ran out of memory. 🤔 I suspect it’s because I’m asking it to do too much: Basic Blog stuff Webmention/Indieweb/Microformats stuff ActivityPub/Mastodon stuff And …

Overnight crash: Dropping a note here to make sure my site is back up – Things got crash happy overnight with the database eating all the RAM for some reason. Bad garbage collection or a missed chronjob maybe. The joys of wordpress adminning. So as soon as I’m done with the day job (where I actually do …

If this is the case—: Then how is that wacky NY Times poll from last week correct?!

Return of "Return to Atlanta": I really hope the author of this blog indeed does come back to chronicle the changing landscapes of Atlanta’s Beltline. While I don’t have any “before” pictures to pull, I may consider doing this sort of series myself to at least give feedback from my memories as an …

Federating the fediverse: BlueSky alpha version: ICYMI: There’s a way for you to crosspost to BlueSky from your own #indieweb enabled website thanks to Joel’s ( additions to Bridgy (created by Ryan ( Also, I’m actually doing it right now and have been for about a week or so. So …

Halloween: Hope everyone had a frighteningly good Halloween yesterday! 🎃👻

October 2023

Any way to practice a layout using a regular nonprogrammable keyboard?: I want to jump into the world of ortho keyboards and start trying to learn a more ergonomic key layout. I happen to have a small foldable bluetooth keyboard that is around a 40% size, is regular QWERTY layout but only has 60 keys so there's a Fn later that puts some of the symbols, all the F keys …

In the spirit of POSSE, I just spent 3 hours trying to get some backfeeds from silos like Instagram and Facebook going… I made it work before, but I can’t remember what I did with my last website that made it work. It's a real head scratcher. I guess I'll need to ensure crossposting is turned on …

Microtransit: what happens when you add ride hailing to regular city transit bus service. In parts of Gwinnett, there’s no waiting for a bus at a predetermined stop or route and the fare is just a flat $3 to go within the zone. (BTW @gwinnettgov, any ETA there?) …and it works like 🧈. Can’t wait …

Happy Belated Subway Day: Yesterday was NYCMTA’s Subway Day– On October 27, 1904 the New York City Subway started running it’s then total length between City Hall downtown and 145th Street uptown past Harlem (which was literally countryside back in those days) Here’s a video they posted on their …

Farewell Richard Roundtree: Richard Roundtree, AKA "John Shaft". RIParadise, 1942 - 2023  

I really hope Chris doesn’t mind me borrowing literally 90% of his layout, formatting and general overall aesthetic from Boffo Socko when I’m ready to smooth out the edges of my site here. They way it looks and how information is presented is just what you’d expect of a person who is rather …

Vergecast: Musings on POSSE, SNS and Indieweb vs ActivityPub: My whole presence in the #fediverse is predicated on POSSE (and PESO) principles along with federated posting and SNS. I'm a semi-active part of the Indieweb community where this grassroots methodology sprang forth. It's one of "build your own website and have others comment on it -- that's the …

I usually go and buy a new computing device once every 6 years or so. This year my trusty Late 2017 Apple MacBook Pro i5 8GB/500GB is officially sunsetted. While I’ve been eyeing a new Macbook to take its place, it would be one of the newer Apple Silicon M2 joints. But I really want to jump …

Suddenly a new ATL transit NIMBY group has appeared! 🫢: The whole reason the Beltline even exists is because it was meant to be a transit corridor. A multiuse trail was also part of the design, so both need to be constructed. But also, since the land developers jumped into the fray and built their car-oriented buildings off the …

job done: Well that does it for me tonight. I got a lot done on this here ol' site. I’ll continue to kick the tires and fill in the gaps but so far so good. Indieweb stuff seems to be working as seen at and tested with some good friends. Will run thru the tests tomorrow to make sure. …

Ok. now the real test. Do replies in the Friends plug-in show up where they’re supposed to go… 🤞🏾

Good question. Need to turn on NHK and see what’s up…

Izu Tsunami Advisory: In reply to Steve Herman: "Warning for #tsunami as high as one meter issued …" - by Steve Herman. Looks like it isn't going to do any damage... Always a bit vigilant every time I see anything about seismic activity around the Izu Trough.

Testing again. Hope the activitypub folks cans see this now….

Well I for one am glad you’ve made it back. I too also had a crazy meltdown involving my lack of skill at writing Go code and paying attention to changes at my VM provider. So here I am back with a Wordpress version of my digs here.

Reblog via Jason L Gatewood If I had this guys’s job, I’d need several smoke breaks too.

I remember someone once stole the REFLECTORS off my second (third?)-hand mama-chari 3 speed bike somewhere in L5P back in the day. All in the span of the 15 minutes it took me to get a milkshake from Zestos. REFLECTORS. 🤷🏾‍♂️

We were on a different set of tracks leading nowhere and everywhere at once.