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…Who in the blue hell are y’all polling?! I remember Waking up to one crazy tweet and hairbrained ham fisted thing after another for the entirety of the 4 years Trump was president and I wasn’t even in the US at the time.

Seriously—from the time he was inaugurated until the time his term expired at 9:59am 4 years later, was a complete clown infested shit-show. The economy was inherited from Obama and run into the ground when all those tax breaks were given out unnecessarily in 2019 followed by an exasperation of expenditures during the pandemic (which needed to happen to shore things up.)

I hate our terrible short term memory in this country. Every damn time we look BACKWARDS instead of doing the hard work to make changes, try new things and move forward. We’re so busy wishing for past times when (we thought) things were better, we can never do the work to make the future brighter.


Four Years Out, Some Voters Look Back at Trump’s Presidency More Positively

 a visual representation of a poll result comparing public opinions on the presidencies of Biden and Trump. Here’s a description for someone who cannot see it:

Poll Question: The poll asks respondents to reflect on the presidencies of Biden and Trump with the question, “How do you remember the years that (this candidate) was president?”
Response Categories: There are three categories for responses: “Mostly good for America,” “Not really good or bad,” and “Mostly bad for America.”
Biden’s Results:
Mostly good for America: 25%
Not really good or bad: 27%
Mostly bad for America: 46%
Don’t know/declined to say: 1%
Trump’s Results:
Mostly good for America: 42%
Not really good or bad: 23%
Mostly bad for America: 33%
Don’t know/declined to say: 2%
The data is based on a New York Times/Siena College poll conducted from April 7 to 11. The bar graphs are color-coded with teal for “Mostly good for America,” grey for “Not really good or bad,” and orange for “Mostly bad for America.” The percentages indicate the proportion of respondents who selected each category for both presidents.

A new poll by The New York Times and Siena College finds that voters think highly of the former president’s record on the economy, but memories of his divisiveness largely remain intact.

From: @nytimes

The New York Times :press: ( (
Attached: 1 image Four Years Out, Some Voters Look Back at Trump’s Presidency More Positively A new poll by The New York Times and Siena College finds that voters think highly of the former president’s record on the economy, but memories of his divisiveness largely remain intact.
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  • David Leheny

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  • David Leheny
3 responses
    1. @_pear
      It’s very frustrating when I see polls like this but zero polling methodology alongside it. It’s probably locked behind a paywall, but if you’re gonna release an infographic as a hot-take, then that part needs to be linked to so we can see something like “poll conducted on a Tuesday afternoon with 243 total respondents via telephone” or something.

  1. Who in the blue hell are y’all polling?! I remember Waking up to one crazy tweet and hairbrained ham fisted thing after another for the entirety of the 4 years Trump was president and I wasn’t even in the US at the time. I hate our terrible short term memory in this country.(

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