@jamesvandyne I know you saw where I posted about my impending purchase.
…so are you 🐧 or 🪟 or both?

2 responses
  1. @starrwulfe I was a desktop Linux user in high school (Linux 2.2, 2.4 days….settled on gentoo)…but have been 100% Mac since 2005 or 6 (when 10.2 came out).

    I like the idea of running Linux again, but they don’t sell Frameworks in Japan, so when my battery swelled for the second time on my old mbp, it got replaced with an M2.

    1. Well if you ever need an intermediary shipper, I can help out with that.
      I don’t know if/when @frameworkcomputer will be selling over in Japan (probably needs some localization support*) but it’s the least I can do if you ever want one.

      *…and if Framework needs help entering the Japanese market, I can help them as I’ve done with others 😉

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