Magenta background with multiple ActivityPub logos stubdued in the background. ACTIVITYPUB written white letters.

ActivityPub for WordPress was updated today adding Bidirectional …

ActivityPub for WordPress was updated today adding Bidirectional Comment Federation.

Means I can type in the comments to replies and they should federate back over to the original thread. Before, WordPress really couldn’t act as a discussion federator; I made it easy on myself by just federating my comment URLs via webmention to wherever they needed to go manually (copy comment, paste into other website text box, submit.) Or at the very best, use my Mastodon or MicroBlog account to respond. Hopefully this makes replying back to others easier now; although I still don’t know about Webmention support or how it works in syndication…

I guess let’s find out? 🙈

6 responses
  1. @starrwulfe ok I’ll start here. But will this count as a webmention too because 🤷🏾‍♂️

    1. OK here’s the big test…

      Also this comment fell into the spam filter. Thanks Askismet.

  2. @starrwulfe I missed that news somehow. @danny what we were saying yesterday about #WebMention and comments is no longer true.

    1. @lordmatt @starrwulfe still unclear about how comment federation works with this new version of #ActivityPub. Does it mean comments will federate from WordPress > Mastodon or the other way around?

      Will have to test this out when I'm awake enough

      1. @danny @lordmatt

        Both. It means if you have a WordPress blog, you can now interact in the comments section of your own blog with replies and they will federate back into the timelines of all mentioned, just like this one did hopefully. (check the original permalink on my comment here and you’ll see what I mean by viewing my website directly.)

        Usually we WordPressers make an original posting and then when comments federate in from ActivityPub, we answer from a pure Mastodon/Akkoma/Friendica/etc account or have to make a whole different “note” post using in-reply-to mentions. Natively replying within the comments section is way better of course. This does not mean that any other person who comments on the post will federate, just those registered on the local WordPress site as a user with ActivityPub privileges.

    2. Btw, what were y’all saying about webmentions and comments?

      Classic image of Gene Wilder with an "I'd like to hear what you have to say" pose.