AI generated image of a library reading room with papers strewn about the tables.

Let’s do some testing… Because I figured out …

Let’s do some testing…

AI generated image of a library reading room with papers strewn about the tables.

Because I figured out how to squish my images directly in (that thing’s been hiding there the whole time, and I feel DUMB. 😜)

6 responses
  1. Ok, the real reason for the test— I need to flex my #fediverse account abilities to see which ones work best with my DigitalGardenHub that started this post.

    Also there's supposed to be a lightbox that allows people to respond with their own instance in the comments section of the blog, but I've yet to see that. (re: for example by @janboddez)
    So let's see if I can get that to work somehow…

    Also lowkey testing @MonaApp to see if I like it or not… Looking good so far!

    1. Well I’m not seeing it show up. At least in-line replies are going out though… I hope.

    2. Guessing the reply button (or link) doesn't show because your page does not show a comment form (and therefore [?] no "core" reply links, either) in the first place.

      1. @janboddez
        Ok I’ve turned them back on…
        Let’s give this a try :clippy:

  2. Ok, I’m dumb. It works!

    I was logged in looking at my own site so of course I didn’t see the links, but I was able to use the lightbox to plug in my Hubzilla details and use this instance to reply.

    Awesome 😎

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